Bài đăng

Finding the right technology for Motion

Hình ảnh
If you do decide to go interactive,  you have to think about what technology you're going to use.  And this is a very largest subject,  a lot of choices that are going to bring forward  a bunch of different features and benefits  and really this could almost be its own course,  but I'm going to try to just outline some of the big issues  and point out a few technologies  within the current library available.  So, this, in the first rule when thinking  about technology,  is don't really think about technology.  Okay?  So, essentially you want your goals and your audience  to drive all of your decisions,  including your technology decisions.  Think about your audience, okay?  And yes, of course,  you have to think about your technical capabilities.  If you do that,  the options will kind of reveal themselves, right?  You'll be reduced to a manageable list to choose from.  So, thin...